
Snowshoe Real Estate Photo shoot.

While visiting Snowshoe Mnt to shoot some real estate photos I got to spend a few hrs filming and shooting photos of a down hill mountain bike race. It was a great time and I meet some great people from C.O that helped me carry some gear. Great people Great weather

Be sure to keep up with all things F2F




Aerial Filming for the City of Summersville W.V.

I have been all of filming stock aerial footage for SCTV here in Summersville. We have had such a great time with this project getting to see our town from a different view and share it will all of our friends and neighbors really is exciting. Photos and video are coming soon.

Keep up with all things F2F here and on our facebook page.






StoneBridge Condos

Just finished up the first part of production for Stonebridge Condos. Filmed all the exteriors and aerials last week. We should be back up in Bridgeport finishing the filming for this project very soon. Trevor Flanagan and his team are great to work with and Stonebridge is a beautiful place to live for us to film. Stay tuned to catch the finished product from Stonebridge Condos and all things F2F.
